Visits last week to our customers in Russia
Russia - Last week's visits to our customers in Russia. Machines continue to produce in the winter.Partly outside and partly inside storage of the slats.
ICCX Central Europe in Ossa, Poland
From Wednesday 14 to Thursday 15 February 2018 CPI will organize the ICCX Central Europe 2018 in Ossa, Poland. Humarbo Machinery B.V. will be present at: stand number 92.For more information visit the website:
We recently wrote 2 articles in CPI magazine
Russia, Poland - We recently wrote 2 articles in CPI magazine:CPI 06/17 Automatic production of concrete products for agriculture in Russia, and, CPI 01/18 Stationary production of pig slats in the Opole region in Poland The articles are available in the following...
The egg-leyer is completely overhauled
the Netherlands - The egg-leyer is completely overhauled. New tilting motor, new hopper, new feed box, rotating parts replaced, new safety platform mounted and touch screen repaired. And of course producing again!
ICCX 2017 in Saint Petersburg, Rusia
Van dinsdag 5 tot en met vrijdag 8 december 2017 wordt door CPI de ICCX Russia 2017 georganiseerd in Sint Petersburg, Rusland. Humarbo Machinery B.V. zal daar aanwezig zijn op: stand nummer 88.Voor meer informatie kijk op de website:
Smopyc 2017
Van 25 tot 29 april 2017 is onze vertegenwoordiger Tecnogerma Ibérica aanwezig op de:SMOPYC 2017 in Zaragoza, Spanje. Voor meer informatie kijk op de website:
Humarbo is participating on many exhibitions and industial meetings . In this section we give you an overview of locations and we are looking forward to meet both existing and new customers. If you would like to receive more information, please email to our Sales...