par vincent | Juil 26, 2018 | Actualités
Test period is over and dismantling is finished. Vaassen, The Netherlands – Test period is over and dismantling is finished. First three of six trucks are heading towards Russia. After the summer holiday the assembly of this MPH 4.25 production system starts....
par vincent | Juin 5, 2018 | Actualités
The exhibition has started! Moscow, Russia – The exhibition has...
par vincent | Mai 24, 2018 | Actualités
Production of 80 cm high drainage pits on a stationary Humarbo machine Belgium – Production of 80 cm high drainage pits on a stationary Humarbo...
par vincent | Mar 16, 2018 | Actualités
Visits last week to our customers in Russia Russia – Last week’s visits to our customers in Russia. Machines continue to produce in the winter.Partly outside and partly inside storage of the...
par vincent | Fév 14, 2018 | Actualités
We recently wrote 2 articles in CPI magazine Russia, Poland – We recently wrote 2 articles in CPI magazine:CPI 06/17 Automatic production of concrete products for agriculture in Russia, and, CPI 01/18 Stationary production of pig slats in the Opole region in...
par vincent | Jan 18, 2018 | Actualités
The egg-leyer is completely overhauled the Netherlands – The egg-leyer is completely overhauled. New tilting motor, new hopper, new feed box, rotating parts replaced, new safety platform mounted and touch screen repaired. And of course producing...